Saturday, February 16, 2019

'If we are to influence global and planetary life, we will do it in cooperative interaction rather than in competitive strife. Our inter-relationship with life is a learning process of mutual inter-dependence and not that of exploitation, combat, and warfare, a lethal process which is almost certain to destroy us in the end.’
'Life is not determined by blind external forces; it is affected, by the quality of our respect for its inherent processes and our willingness to interact with and relate to all life forms in a gentle, non-exploitive cooperative manner.’
Diarmuid O'Murchu, Quantum Theology

‘We must develop deeper and more inclusive meanings…the vast reversion – from the end to the beginning, from sin to grace, from doom to righteousness, from death to life, from man to God, from time to eternity.’
Karl Barth, Word of God, Word of Man

'Christ is the embodiment of the Torah and is in its sense its telos.'
Dirk Van der werte, OT Spirituality in the gospel of John

.'..the parts that lie closest to this mid-point, in a backward direction the history of Israel and in a forward direction the history of the Christian church as the Body of Christ, are both prophesy and history. The history of Israel and the history of the Church thus really belong to the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the former as preparation, the latter as expansion.'
Cullmann, Oscar, Christ and Time

'Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come into being.' 265-66
'To be fully ourselves it is in the opposite direction, in the direction of convergence with all the rest, that we must advance- towards the 'other'.' 263
'Also false and against nature is the racial ideal of one branch draining off for itself alone all the sap of the tree and rising over the death of the other branches.' 244
'Man is not the centre of the universe as once we thought in our simplicity, but something much more wonderful-the arrow pointing the way to the final unification of the world in terms of life.' 224
'it centres itself further on itself by penetration into a new space, and at the same time it centres the rest of the world around itself by the establishment of an ever more coherent and better organized perspective in the realities which surround it.' 172
Teilhard de Chardin, Phenomenon of Man

'Our call is to bring life to humankind...the gift of responsibility for interpretation - in the presence of, before the face of, the Other - that is instrinsic to the covenant Promise.  And in turn, such responsible-to-Promise interpretation by Jews, Christians, Muslims-not to speak of other religious communities- is a gift of 'responsibility' to humankind in another sense: a gift of the presence of people whose behavior brings 'blessing' rather than curse.'
'These (Abrahamic) faiths have been among the worst religious troublemakers through the centuries. Just to achieve a world without their involvement in religio-political violence would be more than well worth doing.'
Lewis Mudge

'And following Paul and Augustine and Aquinas, one could say that all of Christianity, and I would add all of Judaism and Islam, is about dealing appropriately and wisely and lovingly with Esau. So only when Judaism, Christianity and Islam become right about Esau will they be right with themselves and with each other.'
Peter Ochs, Christianity in Jewish Terms, p 45

'This is a sad fact of which we are aware, and because of this separation of head and heart we are bound to conclude that, however social necessity and logic may impel it from behind, the human mass will only become thoroughly unified under the influence of some form of affective energy which will place the human particles in the happy position of being unable to love and fulfill themselves individually except by contributing in some degree to the love and fulfillment of all.', p 284
Teilhard de Chardin (1950), The Future of Man

Following the 'Documentary Theorists' regarding the compilation of the first five books of the OT or Torah (disputed theory):

'So one of the most important forms Israel adopted in the whole evolution of her theological thinking was the assimilation of traditions existing in written form, and their combination and interpretation in the light of the present day.'
'It frequently took great boldness to combine traditions which originally were complete strangers to one another, and a great deal of difficult overlapping in subject matter had to be overcome.'
Gerhard von Rad, Old Testament Theology v 1

Other from Henri Bergson and Teihard de Chardin/Sri Aurobindo:

'To create, as it appears to me, means to condense, concentrate, organize, unite.' 97 
'But as it must have the potentiality of being united, it has to be pure multiple that is also pure unifiable.' 98
'the history of the created world is one of an increasingly complex synthesis of divided materials.' 98
'union differentiates' in the sense that 'in every organized whole, the parts perfect themselves and fulfill themselves'.' 198
'Union is the differentiation of a basic unity, union differentiates the one into the many rather than one from the many.' 199
Sethna, K D, The Spirituality of the Future: Zaehner's Study in Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin

'For to foresee consists of projecting into the future what has been perceived in the past, or of imagining for a later time a new grouping, a new order, of elements already perceived,' 6
'And as there is nothing more in the form of the whole than the arrangement of its parts, the future forms of the system are theoretically visible in its present configuration', 8
'For what is reproduction, but the building up of a new organism with a detached fragment of the old?'
'the organism which lives is a thing which endures. Its past, in its entirety, is prolonged into its present, and abides there, actual and acting', 15
.' signifies that certain aspects of the present, important for science, are calculable as functions of the immediate past', 20
'But it may equally well express the fact that the present moment of a living body does not find its explanation in the moment immediately before, that all the past of the organism must be added to that moment, its heredity—in fact, the whole of a very long history', 20
'Of the future, only that is foreseen which is like the past or can be made up again with elements like those of the past', 28
'the most radical progress a science can achieve is the working of the completed results into a new scheme of the whole, by relation to which they become instantaneous and motionless views taken at intervals along a continuity of a movement'
'we shall realize that every individual merely a bud that has sprouted on the combined body of both its parents..being, to a certain extent, one with this primitive ancestor, he is also solidary with all that descends from the ancestor in divergent directions.', 43
'Harmony, therefore, does not exist in fact; it exists rather in principle; I mean the original impetus is a common impetus...harmony is rather behind us than before'., 51
'Life, in proportion to its progress, is scattered in manifestations which undoubtedly owe to their common origin the fact that they are complementary to each other in certain aspects, but which are none the less mutually incompatible and antagonistic. So the discord between species will go on increasing.' 103
Bergson, Henri, Creative Evolution
'...we shall say that it is not the mechanical action of external causes, but an inward impulse that passes from germ to germ through individuals*, that carries life in a given direction, toward an ever higher complexity.'  113
Bergson, Henri, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion

Contemplating the Buddhist and Quantum Contributions:

The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 1/2
Please first take a look at this stream : 37:13 to 39:50

A second video: Quantum Beauty / Frank Wilczek


Real AND Ideal (correspondence between)
Forces Unify
An equation has symmetry if:
there is change without changing (without changing content)
economy of means
an emergent complexity
rich consequences

21:25:          space 2  /  time 1  /  colors 3

Other video:

comment from video, 'the Quantum riddle':

How could 2 particles act in unison, even when they're separated from each other?  Maybe they aren't 2 particles but 1 and the same that is in 2 places at the same time. If you reveal it, it reveals itself on the other place as well? Particles can be at many places at the same time.  OR  Maybe there isn't distance between them. We see distance between them from our perspective, but they might be right next to each other in another dimension. Or they are in the same place in another dimension, and therefore are entangled.

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